Thursday, March 12, 2009

James Montgomery Flagg

James Montgomery Flagg is best known for the uber-iconic WWI/II poster of Uncle Sam "Wanting YOU" to enlist in the army. That was enough to send him into the stratosphere of fame, but he had built his reputation on solid, prolific illustrating work for books, magazines, political and humorous cartoons, and wartime propaganda posters. His was a household name, and he got to hobnob with celebrities, politicians, the upper eschelon, until movies started to make America's imagery for him. Then came his decline.

I wasn't so much drawn to all that due to overexposure of his work, but i came across his pen and ink work. I'm a pen and ink guy, and I like the scratchy, sketchy look his work. The images I chose look very period, almost if Norman Rockwell had a sketchy pen and ink style, or I'm also reminded of old Dennis the Menace comic strips. Lastly I'm a big fan of using tons of linework to describe both texture and form -- specifically all the surfaces of the clothes and jackets the people are wearing.

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